[Eddy Lab] MK802iiist(ATV1200) 구매대행 (120,000원 한정수량) 130319
====== New MK802 II - HDMI 안드로이드 미니PC News 120820 =========
New MK802 II 관련 상세 정보가 올라 왔습나다.
하기 링크를 참조 해 주시기 바랍니다. (구매관련 사항 포함)
HDMI 안드로이드 Mini PC에서 리코메직사 MK802 II의 제품 관련 정보가 금일 나왔습니다.
앞서 MK802 II의 랜더링과 거의 유사하네요 ~
SPEC은 호환성 제품인 Z902와 동일합니다.
아쉬운 것은 4.1.1 젤리빈으로 나왔으면 좋을 터인데 ~ 하는 생각이네여 ㅎㅎㅎ
펌웨어는 Rev.2인지 업그레이드된 것인지 확인이 필요로 될 것 같습니다.
재미 있는 것은 HDMI 직접 꼽는 형태임에도 불구하고, HDMI Cable이 악세사리로 들어 있네요. 이점은 다행인 것 같습니다.
유저의 사용형태에 따라서 HDMI포트 직접 꼽는 형태가 안되는 경우가 간혹 있기 때문입니다.
대신 파워어댑터가 악세사리에서 빠졌습니다.
HW구성은 대충 파악되었고, 펌웨어쪽으로 추가 정보가 있으면 올리도록 하겠습니다.
The new Rikomagic MK802 II is the latest generation of Android 4.0 Mini PC. It is based on the incredibly popular Rikomagic MK802 which has already set the standard of Android Mini PC’s.
The new MK802 II has a revised form factor which not only feels more compact it also allows easier connection to TV/Displays by using a full size HDMI connector which is located conveniently at the end of the device. The all new ESD circuitry provides trouble free operation on all makes and models of TV/Display. Connectivity has been improved further by the use of micro USB ports and the device now has a total of 3 USB ports despite its incredibly compact form factor.
The MK802 II now features on board power management which allows the user to soft start/shutdown the device eliminating the possibility of data corruption.
At the heart of the Rikomagic MK802 II is the Allwinner A10 Cortex-A8 high speed processor. The redesigned PCB layout of the device allows a true clock speed of 1GHz for much snappier performance. The increased power of the A10 combined with 1GB of onboard High Speed DDR3 RAM means this remarkable device can deliver hardware performance that is close to a desktop computer.
With the MK802 II the user can enjoy 1080P HD video, Access to the internet via the built in browser which has support for rich HTML 5 and Flash content, Play 3D games, Stream music and Download Apps from the Google Play Store, all on a TV with a HDMI connection!
Technical Specifications
Model: MK802 II
OS: Android 4.0 / Can also run desktop versions of Linux from a bootable SD Card.
Main Chip: Allwinner A10/ 1GHz Cortex-A8
Memory: 1GB
Storage: 4GB
Graphics: MALI 400 Processor
Network: Wireless 802.11b/g/n, WAPI(Ralink8188)
Expansion: Micro SD 2-32GB Memory
IO/Ports: Micro USBX2; USB2.0X1; HDMIX1; MicroSDX1
Keyboard: Supports virtual keyboard, supports 2.4G wireless keyboard, fly mouse
MPEG-4/H.263/H.264/1280*720P HD 30 fps, 1080P/720*480 D1 30fps
Apps: Google PlayStore, Youtube, Twitter, AngryBirds, Office, Gmail, Browse, Skype.
HDMI: Output 720P, 576P, 480P, 1080P&2160P
Power Input: Powered by USB port.
HDMI: female to male cable,Power adapter(optional).
Unit Size: 9.7*2.8*1.2cm
Total weight: 0.2kg
Package Contents
Rikomagic MK802 II
MicroUSB to Standard USB(male) cable;
MircoUSB to Standard USB(female) adapter;
Full size HDMI to Micro HDMI cable
출처 : http://www.rikomagic.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=305&sid=ed1362236eac0f172c53f26280799c46
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