Dear Meshswap Members

We officially announce that the interest rate model of the MESH lending pool will be updated next Monday.

MESH borrowing demand from the MESH lending pool for the leveraged yield farm has increased dramatically, resulting in utilization of the MESH lending pool reaching up to 100%.

To induce additional MESH liquidity supply (deposit) for the market's borrowing demand and stabilize the utilization rate of the MESH liquidity on lending pool, borrowing interest model in 90% - 100% of the MESH pool utilization range will be adjusted.

This will result in the positive interaction of the market as follows:

(1) The increased Borrowing APR encourages repayment, leading to a reasonable level of the MESH pool utilization
(2) A higher MESH Deposit APR will occur due to the increased Borrow APR, which naturally induces additional MESH deposits and facilitates MESH withdrawal from a lending pool.
(3) Borrowers can also continue to leverage with stable Borrow APR from the additionally supplied liquidity on the lending pool.

In other words, this update is expected to bring mutual benefits to both lenders and farmers, resulting in high returns.

We would like to express our gratitude for your support and interest in Meshswap and hope you have a good weekend.

Thank you.



🟣Meshswap 회원 여러분🤣

MESH 대출 풀의 이자율 모델이 다음 주 월요일에 업데이트됨을 공식적으로 발표합니다.

레버리지 수확량 농장에 대한 MESH 대출 풀의 MESH 차용 수요가 급격히 증가하여 MESH 대출 풀 활용률이 최대 100%에 도달했습니다.

시장의 차입수요에 대한 추가 MESH 유동성 공급(예치금)을 유도하고 대출풀의 MESH 유동성 가동률을 안정화하기 위해 MESH 풀 가동률 범위의 90%~100%에 대한 차입이자 모델을 조정합니다.

이는 다음과 같이 시장의 긍정적인 상호작용을 초래할 것입니다.

(1) 증가된 차입 APR은 상환을 장려하여 MESH 풀 활용의 합리적인 수준으로 이어집니다.
(2) 증가된 차입 APR로 인해 더 높은 MESH 예금 APR이 발생하며, 이는 자연스럽게 추가 MESH 예금을 유도하고 대출 풀에서 MESH 인출을 용이하게 합니다.
(3) 차용자는 또한 대출 풀에 추가로 공급된 유동성에서 안정적인 차용 APR로 레버리지를 계속할 수 있습니다.

즉, 이번 업데이트는 대출자와 farmer분들 모두에게 상호 이익을 가져다 주어 높은 수익을 올릴 것으로 기대됩니다.

Meshswap에 대한 지원과 관심에 감사드리며 좋은 주말 보내시기 바랍니다.



트위터에서 즐기는 Meshswap

“🟣Update NEWS🟣 There will be updates on the interest rate model of the #MESH lending pool to meet market borrowing demand and stabilize the utilization rate of $MESH Lending pool. It will be updated next Monday‼️ #PoweredByPolygon 📢Medium Li



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