H.263 코덱 라이센스 비용이 있나요?

mips의 아바타

글쓴이: mips 작성 일시: 수, 2010/05/12 - 11:31오전

ffmpeg을 사용해서 프로그램을 개발 중인데, ffmpeg 자체는 LGPL이라서 문제가 안 될 듯 한데,
H.263 코덱 라이센스 비용을 지불하지 않아도 될까요?

H.264는 mpeg-la에서 라이센스 관련 업무를 처리해서 계약을 체결하면 되는 듯 한데,
H.263은 라이센스 집행 기관을 찾을 수가 없네요.

‹ 클라우드 서비스인 구글 앱 엔진 써보셨나요?페이스북 내부 개발 문화를 소개한 블로그 글입니다 ›


simpid의 아바타


글쓴이: simpid 작성 일시: 수, 2010/05/12 - 1:26오후

H.26x 에 대해서는 잘 모르겠지만...

구글에서 얼마전에 VP6 코덱을 몇억달러에 인수해서 공개한걸로 알고 있습니다.
VP6 의 발표는 H.26x 보다 우수하다고 광고하던데요.

다른 코덱을 사용해도 된다면 VP6 도 검토해 보세요.


mips의 아바타


글쓴이: mips 작성 일시: 수, 2010/05/12 - 6:16오후

VP6를 공개한다는 얘기를 얼핏 듣기는 했는데 아직 공개가 안 된 것 같네요.

VP6가 좋긴한데, H.263을 지원해야 하는 상황이라서요.


innobeing의 아바타

mips님...! sorensonmedia.com 에 문의를 하는 것도 고려해보심이 좋을 것 같네요.

글쓴이: innobeing 작성 일시: 수, 2010/05/12 - 7:21오후

H.263 에 대해서는 아래와 같이 애매한 검색 내용만 도출되는군요.



In countries without software patents, H.263 video can be encoded and decoded with the free LGPL-licensed libavcodec library (part of the FFmpeg project) which is used by programs such as ffdshow, VLC media player and MPlayer.

sorensonmedia.com 에도 문의를 해보심이 좋을 것 같습니다.

아래는 검색해본 참고내용입니다.

The Sorenson Spark is also known as Sorenson H.263.

As Apple began to move away from proprietary codecs with its embrace of MPEG-4, Sorenson Media next licensed a new video codec to Macromedia asSorenson Spark (Sorenson H.263), released with Macromedia Flash 6/MX on March 4, 2002. Sorenson Spark is the required video compression format for Flash Player 6 and 7.

According to an anonymous developer of FFmpeg, reverse engineering of the SVQ3 codec (Sorenson Video 3) revealed it as a tweaked version of H.264. (It is considered as based on an early H.264 draft.) The same developer also added support for this codec to FFmpeg, making native playback possible on all platforms supported by FFmpeg. FFmpeg supports decoding of "Sorenson Vector Quantizer 3" (fourcc SVQ3) and Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1 (fourcc SVQ1) starting with version 0.4.7, released in 2003. The next version of FFmpeg in 2003 also added encoding/decoding of Sorenson H.263 used in Flash (fourcc FLV1). Encoding of SVQ1 was added in 0.4.9-pre1.


* libavcodec 라이브러리 나 FFmpeg 가 "LGPL 라이센스"라고 하더라도, 그 "LGPL 라이센스"만 믿고 섣불리 제품개발에 사용하기에는..... 뭔가 문제가 있어 보이네요!


mips의 아바타

sorenson에 연락해야겠네요.

글쓴이: mips 작성 일시: 목, 2010/05/13 - 11:15오전

저도 구글에서 검색해보니 말씀하신 것처럼 애매했거든요.
sorensonmedia에 연락해봐야겠습니다.

답변 고맙습니다.


innobeing의 아바타

"정태영"님의 "H.264/AVC 코덱 라이선스"에 대한 답글도 참고하십시요.

글쓴이: innobeing 작성 일시: 토, 2011/01/29 - 2:05오후

"정태영"님의 아래 답글도 참고하십시요!

http://kldp.org/node/120605#comment-544593 --- H.264/AVC 코덱이 오픈 라이선스 인지 궁금합니다


정태영의 아바타

오래된 글이 이렇게 수면에 떠오르게 되서 여기에도

글쓴이: 정태영 작성 일시: 일, 2011/01/30 - 2:07오전

오래된 글이 이렇게 수면에 떠오르게 되서 여기에도 답변을 달아 드리자면...

h.263은 ITU-T에서 teleconference 쪽에 초점을 두고(?) 표준화한 비디오 표준입니다.

그리고 표준화 기관은 표준 자체로 돈을 벌어먹는건 아니고, 자신들이 만든 표준으로 인해 이 쪽 계열에서는 자기들이 최고다 라는 이름 같은 것들을 원합니다. 다만 이 표준화에 참여하는 기업들은 얘기가 다르죠. ;) 표준화 회의에서 자신들의 기술을 써줄것을 제안하기 이전에 이미 모든 것에 대한 특허를 제출해놓은 상태로 일을 합니다.

그렇기 때문에 h.263 또한 특허 문제에서 자유롭지 못할겁니다.

ogg theora의 경우는 이런 특허 문제에서 자유로운 기술들만을 이용하여 만들어진 코덱이기 때문에 (아직까진 관련된 클레임이 없음) 사용료에서 자유로운 코덱을 원하신다면 ogg theora를 사용하시는게 방법이 될 수 있을겁니다.

또한 구글에서는 on2를 사들이고 vp8을 라이센스 프리로 공개하기로 결정했죠. vp8 또한 답이 될 수 있을 것입니다.

다만 vp8에서 사용된 기술에는 h.264/AVC에 사용된 기술과 유사한 부분이 많습니다. 그 때문에 많은 전문가들이 vp8의 위험성에 대하 불안해하고 있죠.

오랫동안 꿈을 그리는 사람은 그 꿈을 닮아간다...

http://mytears.org ~(~_~)~ 나 한줄기 바람처럼..






Sorenson codec

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorenson codec may refer to either of three proprietary video codecs: Sorenson Video, Sorenson Video 3 or Sorenson Spark. Sorenson Video is also known as Sorenson Video Codec, Sorenson Video Quantizer or SVQ. Sorenson Spark is also known as Sorenson H.263 or FLV1 (and it is sometimes incorrectly named as Flash Video (FLV), which is the name of Adobe Flash container format).

Both codecs were devised by Sorenson Media Inc. (formerly Sorenson Vision Inc.). Sorenson Video is used in Apple's QuickTime and Sorenson Spark in Adobe Flash(formerly Macromedia Flash).




[edit]Sorenson Video

The Sorenson Video codec first appeared with the release of QuickTime 3 on March 30, 1998. It was available in two versions: the Basic Edition encoder/decoder built into QuickTime 3 and Developer Edition which enabled advanced encoding features and two-pass variable bitrate.[1] With QuickTime 4, it was given wide exposure for the release of the teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace on March 11, 1999.

[edit]Sorenson Video 2

Sorenson Video 2 was released in March 1999; however, it mainly included minor improvements and optimizations to the Developer Edition of the encoder, as movies encoded with it were backwards compatible with the Sorenson Video decoder.

[edit]Sorenson Video 3

An improved Sorenson Video 3 codec debuted with the release of QuickTime 5.0.2 on July 1, 2001. It was available exclusively for QuickTime.[2][3] Apple QuickTime later focused on other compression formats and moved Sorenson Video 3 to a separate group called "legacy encoders".[4]

The Sorenson Video 3 (SV3) Pro Codec for QuickTime video is offered as a separate software product, but comes standard with the commercial encoding softwareSorenson Squeeze.[5]

[edit]Sorenson Spark

As Apple began to embrace MPEG-4 and move away from other proprietary codecs, Sorenson Media licensed a new video codec to Macromedia as Sorenson Spark (Sorenson H.263), released with Macromedia Flash 6/MX on March 4, 2002.[6][7] Sorenson Spark is the required video compression format for Flash Player 6 and 7.

Macromedia later tried to find a better video codec. Starting with Flash Player 8 (released in September 2005), the preferred video codec is VP6.[8][9] The Sorenson Spark can be still used in the Adobe Flash CS4 Professional (2008) for Flash Video FLV files as one of three video compression formats (alongside H.264 and On2VP6).[8] Sorenson Spark is an older codec but it is also a widely available and compatible one, when used in Flash Video.[10] According to an Adobe engineer Tinic Uro, it is considered as an incomplete implementation of H.263.[9][11]

[edit]Other Sorenson codecs

The Sorenson Media, Inc. offers Sorenson Squeeze, which can encode video to proprietary Sorenson formats, but also to standardized video compression formats, such as H.264, MPEG-4 Part 2, MPEG-2 and others.[12] There is also Sorenson H.264 and Sorenson MPEG-4 codec, which are one of many existing implementations of international standards and should not be confused with Sorenson proprietary codecs.

[edit]Technical details

The official specifications of the codec are not public.

[edit]Sorenson Video

For a long time the only way to play back Sorenson Video was to use Apple's QuickTime player, or the MPlayer for Unix/Linux, which in turn piggy-backed DLL-files extracted from Apple's player for Microsoft Windows.

According to an anonymous developer[13] of FFmpeg, reverse engineering of the SVQ3 codec (Sorenson Video 3) revealed it as a tweaked version of H.264.[14] (It is considered as based on an early H.264 draft.[15]) The same developer also added support for this codec to FFmpeg, making native playback possible on all platforms supported by FFmpeg. FFmpeg supports decoding of "Sorenson Vector Quantizer 3" (fourcc SVQ3) and Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1 (fourcc SVQ1) starting with version 0.4.7, released in 2003.[16]

[edit]Sorenson Spark

The next version of FFmpeg in 2003 also added encoding/decoding of Sorenson H.263 used in Flash (fourcc FLV1).[17] Encoding of SVQ1 was added in 0.4.9-pre1.[18]

The Sorenson Spark is sometimes defined as "almost H.263" or as "an incomplete implementation of H.263".[9][11] These compression formats differ mostly in header structure and ranges of the coefficients.[14]


  1. ^ Terran Interactive, Inc. (1998) Codec Central - Sorenson Video, Retrieved on 2009-08-09
  2. ^ Sorenson Media (2001-07-02) Sorenson Media Announces the Availability of Sorenson Video 3 Exclusively for QuickTime, Retrieved on 2009-08-09
  3. ^ Apple (2000-10-10) Apple Releases QuickTime 5 and QuickTime Streaming Server 3 Public Previews, Retrieved on 2009-08-09
  4. ^ Apple Mailing Lists - batch export: where is sorenson ?, Retrieved on 2009-08-09
  5. ^ Sorenson Media SV3 Pro Codec, Retrieved on 2009-08-09
  6. ^ Adobe (2002-03-04) Macromedia - Press room : Macromedia and Sorenson Media Bring Video to Macromedia Flash Content and Applications
  7. ^ Adobe LiveDocs About the Sorenson Spark codec, Retrieved on 2009-08-09
  8. ^ a b Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Documentation - Digital video and Flash, Retrieved on 2009-08-09
  9. ^ a b c Kaourantin.net (2005-08-13) The quest for a new video codec in Flash 8, Retrieved on 2009-08-10
  10. ^ Sorenson Media Difference Between Flash 6 and Flash 8 video, Retrieved on 2009-08-09
  11. ^ a b "Sorenson Spark". MultimediaWiki. Retrieved 2009-11-03.
  12. ^ Sorenson Media Squeeze, Retrieved on 2009-08-09
  13. ^ Deconstructing H.264/AVC on DrunkenBlog, July 28, 2004.
  14. ^ a b Benjamin Larsson (2009-03-17). "h263-svq3 optimizations". FFmpeg-devel mailing list. Retrieved 2009-08-09.
  15. ^ MultimediaWiki. "Sorenson Video 3". Retrieved 2009-11-01.
  16. ^ FFmpeg Changelog, Retrieved on 2009-08-10
  17. ^ FFmpeg.org (2003) FFmpeg 0.4.8 Documentation - Video Codecs, Retrieved on 2009-08-10
  18. ^ FFmpeg.org FFMpeg General Documentation - Video Codecs, Retrieved on 2009-08-09

[edit]External links



21 072010

Sorenson Spark Licensed by Pantech for New Mobile Devices

Sorenson Media today announced that Pantech Co. Ltd, has licensed the Sorenson Spark video decoder to be included in the company’s broad range of mobile devices. The Sorenson Spark decoder will give Pantech handset users access to the most comprehensive range of Internet video.

Pantech, one of Korea’s largest mobile phone manufacturers, is relied upon by carrier customers worldwide to deliver innovative and trendsetting handsets. By licensing Sorenson Spark, Pantech can offer its costumers the widest selection of Internet video available on the mobile Web. Sorenson Spark allows access to Internet video that is inaccessible with any other decoder.

Sorenson Spark is the industry’s most ubiquitous video codec and was the first codec used in Macromedia Flash, now Adobe Flash. Sorenson Spark enables mobile devices and other consumer products to playback the largest selection of videos on the Internet, including those on YouTube, the single largest online video destination site today.

“Sorenson Spark is recognized in the mobile device market as a leading provider of complete mobile video packages,” said Joon-Woo Lee, executive vice president for Pantech . “As we continue to incorporate the best software and other services into our products, Sorenson Spark was a good fit in helping us deliver an even more full video experience to our customers.”

For the full press release, click here.



28 072010

LG Selects Sorenson Media


Sorenson Media today announced that LG Electronics (LG) has licensed the Sorenson Sparkvideo codec to enable their full line of mobile devices to access the broadest selection of videos on the Internet.

With this license, the Sorenson Spark decoder will provide LG’s mobile consumers access to the widest and deepest base of online video content, including hundreds of millions of videos inaccessible through any other codec. The Sorenson Spark codec was the first codec used in Macromedia Flash, now Adobe Flash. It is the most widely deployed video codec on the Internet and powers many of the videos on YouTube, the volume leader in online video streaming.

“LG is a clear leader in the worldwide mobile communications market, and we are pleased that the Sorenson Spark codec will now be included in its mobile video offering,” said Douglas Cebik, director of business development for Sorenson Media. “With video becoming such an essential part of every mobile device, it is important that end users have access to all the content the Internet has to offer, included those videos encoded exclusively via Spark.”

For more information on Sorenson Spark, click here.




컨텍포인트 : bizdev@sorensonmedia.com

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