삼성 갤럭시S2는 한국과 영국에서 동시 출시하게 되는 것 같습니다.

그러나, 앞서 삼성 공식 사이트에서 밝힌 바와 같이 국가별로 SPEC 차이가 있는데
영국에서는 NFC가 빠지는 것으로 결정이 났다고 합니다.

그 이유는 아직 영국에서 NFC의 환경이 미비하다고 판단됬기 떄문이라고 합니다.

결국 해외에서 갤S2를 구입해서 가지고 오는데 있어서 영국에서 수급을 하면 NFC기능이 빠진 상태가 되겠네요. NFC Case만 끼우면 동작은 하지 않을지 ???

제가 알기는 영국 런던 올림픽을 앞두고 NFC관련 환경을 많이 구축하고 있는 것으로 알고 있습니다만,
다른 국가 발표떄마다 좀씩 좀씩 SPEC들이 달라질 거 같네요 ~~ 

Samsung Galaxy S2 Now Available in South Korea and UK

Post image for Samsung Galaxy S2 Now Available in South Korea and UK

Samsung has finally come along for folks in South Korea and the UK.  The Samsung Galaxy S2 is now available, for sale in those respective regions.  The company hopes to sell more than 10-14 million of these handsets without any specific time-frame.  In respect to availability, Samsung hopes to roll out their flagship product to a total of 120 countries and 140 operators by early-June.  However, there is no official release timetable set yet.  For those that are not in the vicinity of South Korea and the UK, you can keep checking for updates.

No NFC on Samsung Galaxy S2 Confirmed for UK

According to UK’s Phone Retailer Clove, folks hoping to own the so-called future proofed Samsung Galaxy S2 will be disappointed to know that the Near-field Communications feature promoted by Samsung at MWC 2011 will not be present on the UK-model.  The UK is most likely not the only victim on Samsung’s list.  Countries that don’t really have the infrastructure set up yet will also most likely get the NFC-less model.

Interestingly, the UK has the infrastructure, however, guessing as a result of the popular demand of the Galaxy S2, the first in line for purchasing the device will not get NFC.  In the months ahead, Samsung may actually integrate NFC in future production.  We will keep you posted in respect to this.

There is no known adaptor for enabling NFC on the current Galaxy S2 devices sold in the UK.  Nor is there be a software upgrade method for the current phones being sold, as NFC is not physically embedded on the device.


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