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Windows 8 M3 Build 7971.0.110324-1900 Released To Testers
Posted March 29, 2011 – 7:47 pm in: Windows 8
Reports are coming in that Microsoft has already released Windows 8 Milestone 3 build 7971 to a select group of testers. If a post on ruanmei forum (translated page) is to be believed, build 7971.0.110324-1900 is now available to select group of testers at Microsoft Connect site.
The full build string 7971.0.110324-1900 indicates that the build was compiled on 24 March at 7 PM. Various pictures of Windows 8 have already been leaked to the web. Windows 8 will come with several new features such as System Reset and new UI.
In the mean time, you might also want to check out official Windows 8 wallpapers. Also try Windows 8 Aero Lite theme for Windows 7.
Thanks to Ankur & hb860 @ MDL for this news.
queline Emigh, TabletPCReview.com Contributor | 3/7/2011
Fraught by competition from Apple's iPad, RIM's PlayBook, and the Android contingent, Microsoft
is working furiously on a new edition of Windows. Yet some partners not willing to identify themselves are now going on record that Microsoft is not about to rush Windows 8 tablets out the door.
Intimations by Microsoft at CES 2011 about the next iteration of Windows have set off an ever lengthening chain of rumors over what Windows 8 tablets will look like and when the new tablets will really be ready to roll.
Based largely on slides and other tips from anonymous Microsoft partners, published predictions around shipment dates range all the way from the first to the third quarter of next year.
Meanwhile, the competitive pressures on Microsoft only continue to mount, analysts point out. "I do think that if Microsoft wants to put a dog in the race, this dog ought to be born, weaned, and ready for action very soon,' noted Charles King, chief analyst at Pund-IT, in an interview.
Some Microsoft partners, though, now suggest that Microsoft isn't going to put the cart before the horse. "At 318, we are Microsoft and Apple partners. We fully anticipate that Microsoft will release a tailored version of Windows for tablets, meant to compete with Apple, Research in Motion and Google," said Charles Edge, director of technology at 318 Inc., an IT consulting and development firm specializing in integrating tablets in the enterprise.
"We are more than willing to wait for as long as it takes to make sure the product is perfect. Microsoft isn't going to rush to the market with a product that isn't ready for prime time," Edge contended, in an e-mail to TabletPCReview.
Meanwhile, Mike Halsey, a UK-based Microsoft MVP, acknowledged that Microsoft's timetable for the next iteration of Windows will be "driven by accountants." Halsey told me during another interview that tablets based on Windows 8 – or whatever name Microsoft ends up using for the new OS – look likely to ship in autumn of 2012, just in time for the back-to-school season.
What We Know
In delivering some quick sneak peeks at its next OS during a CES keynote, Microsoft didn't give any indication about an intended release date.
"What we know [from the keynote] is that Microsoft is planning new versions of the OS for both Intel [platforms] and ARM SOCs [systems-on-a-chip]," observed Rob Enderle, chief analyst at the Enderle Group, in another interview.
Microsoft ran demos during the keynote using an early build of the new OS -- build 6.2.7867 – but with a Windows 7 user interface (UI) layered on top. Rumors soon started floating about what to expect in a Windows 8 UI.
Mosh, Metro, and/or an Avatar?
During CES, Windows specialist Paul Thurrott blogged about tips from an unnamed source concerning a tile-based UI codenamed Mosh, purportedly aimed at low-end Windows 8 touch tablets."
Then, Matt Rosoff reported a rumor in Business Insider that Windows 8 would use elements of the Metro interface from Windows Phone 7, with demos of the new tablet UI slated to start in June.
Screenhots leaked earlier this week through Asian Web sites show a screen with a profile picture on the bottom right, supposedly designed for logging into Windows 8 either locally or through a cloud-enabled Windows Live ID account.
Reports are now just emerging about a main UI for Windows 8, codenamed "Wind" and targeted at high-end desktop and notebook PCs as opposed to tablets.
Microsoft Needs the Touch
Whatever the ultimate scenario, if the ARM-based version of Windows 8 is going to fly, it will need to be tailored more closely to touch, just about everyone agrees.
"Windows 8 needs user interfaces that work on non-pixel-perfect devices such as smartphones and tablets. Microsoft could leverage the Windows Phone 7 UI for this and build on it to have it drive other parts of the full (desktop) shell," advised Rob Sanfillipo, an analyst at Directions on Microsoft, in another e-mail.
"The UI needs to be fast, intuitive, slick, and attractive to consumers [in order] to compete with [Apple's] iOS and Android. It is also expected that the next [Microsoft] Office release should take these qualities into account so that Office applications can be used more naturally on tablets and smartphones."
Microsoft MVP Halsey said that Microsoft needs to include new APIs that will let developers create buttons that are bigger and more user friendly.
"The Windows Phone 7 interface is great, but I'm not sure yet how well it will translate to the larger screen of a tablet," he noted.
Ironically, even if not intentionally, Microsoft actually started paving the way to better touch a few years back by introducing the ribbon interface to its Office software, according to Halsey, a Windows support specialist and author.
iPad 2 Pushes on Microsoft
Apple's announcement last week of the iPad 2 heightens the pressures on both Microsoft and other iPad wannabes, observers agreed.
King said Apple's continuing "stickiness" with the iPad is just about unprecedented anywhere in the computer industry. "If Microsoft or someone else doesn't come up with something soon that's more compelling, Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, CA will turn into a big, black hole that swallows all competitors in this space," he remarked.
"One thing that's very interesting about iPad is its consumeristic nature," according to Edge. ‘The things that excite our enterprise customers are pretty much the same things that [excite] our small business and consumer clientele."
All sorts of customers are interested in the iPad's dual cameras for videoconferencing, although consumers come more from the standpoint of videoconferencing through FaceBook. On the other hand, "our enterprise customers are most intrigued about leveraging existing telephony to integrate videoconferencing," Edge said. "There is going to be a race for a company that can really do this right!"
When Will Windows 8 Tablet Arrive?
A different kind of race is already underway at Microsoft, although it's still unclear exactly when Windows 8 tablets will cross the finish line.
In mid-February, a leaked Dell roadmap spurred conjecture about the possible release of two purported Windows 8 tablets -- codenamed "Peju" and "Rosemount" – in January and the second quarter of 2012, respectively.
Soon afterward, Mary Jo Foley, a columnist for ZDNet, analyzed a leaked Microsoft roadmap to predict that, by passing through an internal marker named Milestone 2 on time, Windows 8 is likely to be ready for beta testing by September and for final release by mid-2012.
Apparently, however, MVP Halsey is hardly alone among Microsoft partners in anticipating new tablets a bit later in that year.
Analysts are divided. "There are those of us who believe that Windows 8 will enter the beta cycle by the end of this year, and that Windows 8 tablets will be available early next year," Enderle contended.
"Microsoft is well aware that it doesn't have unlimited time at its disposal."
Yet Michael Cherry, another senior analyst at Directions on Microsoft, suggested that Windows 8 devices might get pushed back due to extra challenges around adapting existing apps to ARM-based hardware and a new touch interface.
"If I were a developer, would I just want to do a minimal thing, or would I want to change my app for the tablet?" he asked. "So far, Windows apps have been written to work with a fine selection instrument, such as a mouse or stylus. But the finger is a blunt instrument."
Microsoft partner Halsey, on the other hand, maintained that a lot of business app developers will just stick with Intel platforms -- not bothering with either ARM or touch -- and that enterprises with fleets of Windows 7 tablets are likely to avoid additional costs by keeping their existing stylus UIs.
An SDK Clue
Cherry believes that the release of an SDK (software developers kit) will be a good indication that Microsoft considers Windows 8 stable enough for legions of developers to start in on creating and modifying apps.
According to Sanfilippo, although some close inside Microsoft partners might already be working with early SDK builds, a public SDK release will most likely take place at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference this year, an event that will probably happen in the third quarter.
"I think the Windows 8 tools will allow developers to implement applications and build them for all key platforms – ARM, Intel SoC, x86, and x64," Sanfilippo told me.
"It's unlikely Microsoft will burden developers with different SDKs and tools, since Microsoft wants Windows to be the OS standard across all hardware. One of Microsoft's strengths is building thorough SDKs and powerful development tools, so the Windows 8 release should be no different."
Still, Sanfilippo said he projects an arrival date for Windows 8 tablets of "mid-2012, at the earliest."
Will Microsoft Ever Give Up?
If Windows 8 tablets do miss the mark, Microsoft might as well throw in the towel to the iPad, according to Halsey. "I have no doubt that Windows 8 will be a competent release for business use, but I'm not certain that Microsoft can ever crack the tablet market," the Microsoft partner added.
Sanfillipo differed on that score, though. "I don't think Microsoft will concede the device market to either Apple or Google," the analyst elaborated.
"Despite current and projected market shares, Microsoft will continue to use its resources to compete in this space similarly to the way it has struggled to compete with Google for the search market for many years. Microsoft ultimately wants Windows to drive all computing devices, so it will not concede any such markets."
Related Articles:
- Dell Leak Reveals 2011 Tablet Plans
- Fujitsu LifeBook T580 Review
- Dell Rosemount Tablet Details Surface
- No Windows Tablet OS Until 2012?
- Windows 8 Tablet OS May Be Unveiled in the Summer
윈도우 태블릿 2012년까지 연기 "현명한 선택일까"
- 기사입력 :
- 2011.03.07 12:05
- Harry McCracken
마이크로소프트가 태블릿에 최적화된 윈도우를 내놓으면, 아이패드와 경쟁할 기회를 갖게 될까? 블룸버그(Bloomberg)는 마이크로소프트가 2012년까지 태블릿을 내놓지 않을 것이라고 보도했다. 보도에 ‘윈도우 8’에 대한 언급은 없었으나, 예상 시기가 맞는다면, 마이크로소프트는 아이패드에 대항하기 위하여 태블릿용으로 완전히 개편된 버전을 내놓는 것이 최선이라고 결정한 듯 보인다. (2010년 초에 공개된 윈도우 7은 태블릿 시장에서 열풍을 일으키지 못했다.)
마이크로소프트는 윈도우 폰 7과 같은 기술에 기반한 윈도우 임베디드 콤팩트 7(Windows Embedded Compact 7)을 출시했는데, 이는 태블릿을 포함한 다양한 기기가 윈도우 OS를 탑재할 수 있음을 의�J나다. 그러나 지디넷의 보도에 따르면, 윈도우 임베디드 콤팩트 7은 콘텐츠 생산 보다는 소비에 초점이 맞춰져 있다. (애플 아이패드용 아이무비(iMovie)나 가라지밴드(GarageBand) 시연을 보고는 누구도 이것이 콘텐츠 소비만을 위한 제품이라고 주장하지는 않을 것이다.)
만일, 블룸버그의 보도가 맞아서 2012년 가을에서야 윈도우를 구동하는 아이패드 경쟁 제품이 나오게 된다면, 마이크로소프트의 윈도우 8 태블릿은 3세대 아이패드와 RIM, HP, 및 다른 업체들의 새버전 태블릿과 경쟁을 해야 할 것이다. 이것은 현재 시장 상황을 고려했을 때 상당히 늦은 것이다.
이런 결정이 하루라도 빨리 시장에 진출하려는 여타 아이패드 경쟁 제품의 전략보다 더 유리한지 판단하기는 힘들다. 아이패드가 출시된 지 11개월이 지났으며, 많은 제품들이 태블릿 전쟁에 조금은 부족한 상태로 뛰어들고 있다.
이번에 공개된 아이패드 2는 모든 사람들이 알고 있듯이 더 얇고, 가볍고, 빠른 것을 특징으로 하면서, 컴퓨터 보다는 “마법 같은 무엇”으로 인식되고 있다. 그 결과 RIM의 플레이북이나 HP의 터치패드 등 기업용에 초점을 맞춘 제품들이 제대로 출시되기도 전에 뒤처지게 됐다.
마이크로소프트는 급하게 태블릿 경쟁에 뛰어들 수도 있고, 시간을 좀 더 가지고 태블릿에 최적화 되어 경쟁력있고 인상적인 제품으로 나올 수도 있다. 지금은 전자보다 후자가 더 이치에 맞아 보인다.
무엇보다도 기술 제품들의 역사를 보면, 해당 카테고리 내의 첫 번째 제품이 성공하지 못한 경우가 많다. 예를 들어, 마이크로소프트의 DOS는 최초의 개인용 컴퓨터가 출시된 몇 년 후에 등장했고, 구글도 검색엔진 전쟁에서 후발주자였다. 아이폰도 이미 성숙된 스마트폰 시장에서 성공을 거뒀으며, 아이패드는 어떠한 제품도 성공을 거두지 못한 채 20여 년을 이어온 태블릿 시장에서 처음으로 성공을 하게 됐다. 이 경우 모두 다치기 보다는 게으르게 있는 것이 도움이 되는 것처럼 보인다.
지금까지 윈도우 8에 대해서 알려진 것은 극히 드물다. 태블릿에 적합한 X86 프로세서와 ARM 아키텍처 칩에서 구동된다는 사실 정도이다. 그러나 1.0 태블릿 시대에서 아직 기회는 있다. 3.0에 가까운 무엇인가를 갖추기 전까지 경쟁에 직접 나서지 않는 것이 안전할 수도 있다. editor@idg.co.kr
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