The NVIDIA Jetson TK1 DevKit is a full-featured development kit that allows you to evaluate Tegra K1 for your embedded applications. It allows you to unleash the power of 192 CUDA cores to develop solutions in Computer Vision-enabled products in the areas of robotics, medicine, security, and automotive. Buy the Jetson TK1 DevKit below and make sure to check out the Jetson TK1 post from our Parallel Forall blog.
NVIDIA provides the BSP and software stack which includes the CUDA Toolkit, OpenGL 4.4 drivers, and support for the OpenCVlibrary for Tegra.
Get familiar with Jetson TK1, what to do when you get it out of the box, how to boot into a Graphical User Interface and how to run basic sample code with the pre-installed software.
A console-grade tool that allows developers to debug and profile OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.0, OpenGL ES 3.1, OpenGL 4.3 and OpenGL 4.4 enabling game and graphics developers to get the most out of Tegra K1
CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA. It enables dramatic increases in computing performance by harnessing the power of the graphics processing unit (GPU)
1세대 아마존 Fire TV스틱PC는 전년도 칩셋을 채용하여 상대적으로 제품가격이 낮았습니다만, 이번에는 금년(2015년) 최신 칩셋을 채용하여 제품화를 진행하고 있네요.....
뭔가 괴물 제품이 나올 듯 ????
일단, 2015년 최신 칩셋인 Rockcip RK3368을 능가 할 것으로 보여집니다..
상기 CPU Spec은 2nd Fire TV 스틱은 쿼드코어 Coretex A53@1.5GHz입니다..
RK3368은 옥타코어 Coretex A53@1.5GHz..
여기서 옥타코어는 Max 퍼포먼스로 보아서는 큰 의미가 없기 때문에 동급으로 보입니다.
수정내용 150709)
착한유령님이 주신 미디어텍 MT8173 발표 자료에 의하면,
그냥 쿼드코어 Coretex A53이 아니고,
ARM Cortex®-A72 and ARM Cortex®-A53 64-bit CPU @2.4GHz
"쿼드 빅리틀 아키텍처" 이라고 합니다...
(주) CoretexA7이 아니고 CoretexA72 입니다. ^^;;
그리고도 2.4GHz입니다.
설명에 의하면 빅리틀 아키텍처는 1세대 이고, 쿼드 빅리를는 2세대 라고 합니다.
“Decisively and quickly incorporating the second-generation of our 64-bit technology into a market-ready product, underscores the partnership between ARM and MediaTek."
아직 4K의 완벽지원 4K@60fps, HEVC@10bit BT2020으로 넘아가지는 않고, 1080P@HEVC@10bit시장을거쳐서넘어갈것으로 예상되어 집니다.
출시 일정은 작년에 비추어 보아서 2015년 블랙프라이데이가 기점이 될 것으로 예상 됩니다...
Amazon’s next-gen Fire TV Stick may be coming soon (leaks)
The Amazon Fire TV Stick is a $39 device that you can plug into the HDMI port of your TV to stream internet video or play games. It’s a simple device that offers much of the functionality of the original Amazon Fire TV for less than half the price.
But the Fire TV Stick is also a lot slower than the Fire TV box which means it can’t play some games and lacks support for some features such as listening to audio using Bluetooth headphones.
Now it looks like Amazon may have a more powerful Fire TV Stick in the works… although it’s not clear yet how much it’ll cost or just how much more powerful it will really be.
The evidence
Amazon hasn’t officially introduced the 2nd-gen Fire TV Stick yet, but a device called the Amazon AFTS just showed up in the database of graphics benchmarking tool GFXBench. AFTS could stand for Amazon Fire TV Stick.
While it’s possible the specs listed at GFXBench are wrong, or that this isn’t actually a Fire TV Stick, there are a few clues that suggest it really could be Amazon’s next media streaming device.
First up, it features WiFi and Bluetooth, but no GPS, compass, accelerometer, light sensor, camera, or SIM card. You’d expect most phones, tablets or other Android devices to have at least a few of those things.
Second, the AFTS features a MediaTek processor. While Amazon’s original Fire TV uses a Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 chip and the first-gen Fire TV Stick has a Broadcom BCM28155 processor, Amazon does use MediaTek processors for some of its most recent devices: the 4th-gen Fire HD 6 and Fire HD 7 tablets each have MTK8135 quad-core processors.
The specs
OK, so if the GFXBench listing is accurate, what can we expect from the next Fire TV Stick?
MediaTek MT8173 1.5 GHz quad-core processor (with 2 Cortex-A72 cores and 2 Cortex-A53 cores… although GFXBench thinks they’re all Cortex-A53 cores)
PowerVR GX6250 graphics
1.5 GB of RAM
8GB of storage (give or take)
Android 5.1-based operating system
That means the new model would have a higher-performance processor and more memory than the current version (which has 1GB of RAM and a dual-core, ARM Cortex-A9 processor).
It could bring Fire TV-level performance to the Fire TV Stick… although I’ll be curious to know if Amazon also plans to update the wireless hardware to add support for Bluetooth 4.0. The original Fire TV Stick only supports Bluetooth 3.0.
Both of Amazon’s current Fire TV devices also run FireOS 3.0 software, which is based on Android 4.4. Amazon recently began testing Fire OS 5, which is based on Android 5.0. But this is the first time I’ve seen any mention of an Amazon device running Android 5.1 (not counting custom ROMs).
There are some other specs listed which probably don’t mean much. GFXBench says the AFTS has a 6.9 inch, 1920 x 1080 pixel non-touch display. But it’s likely that’s just a screen the Fire TV Stick was attached to when the benchmark was running (the reason GFXBench often posts specs for products before they’re released to the public is because people working at the company might run the test on pre-production hardware).
국내에도 ‘크런치뱅 리눅스‘처럼 오픈박스 창관리자와 Tint2 패널로 가벼운 리눅스 데스크탑 환경을 사용하시는 분들이 간혹 보이기는 하지만, 그에 비해 Tint2 패널의 ‘런쳐(Launcher)’ 기능은 잘 알려져 있지 않은 것 같습니다. 오늘 강좌는 Tint2 패널 설정의 마지막 강으로 런쳐 기능을 활성화시켜 보기로 하겠습니다. Tint2 패널의 런쳐에는 가장 빈번히 사용하는 ‘파일관리자’와 ‘터미널’, ‘웹브라우저’만 시범적으로 설정하겠습니다.